Alternative Christmas Gift Ideas
Buy Nothing Christmas- ideas for alternative gifts
Heifer Project Gift Catalog- give a farm animal to a needy family instead of receiving a gift
Bird and Stone- Socially Conscious jewelry that helps African widows start their own businesses
Mira- the fair trade gift folks who come to our church also have an online store!
Tom's - this shoe brand gives away a pair of shoes for every pair you purchase
Real Simple's List of Gifts that Give back
Global Missions Children and Elder Sponsorships
Experience Gifts- Ideas from U.S. News
Chalice Press- Our denomination's publishing house. Search for topics that spark your spirit!
Buy Nothing Christmas- ideas for alternative gifts
Heifer Project Gift Catalog- give a farm animal to a needy family instead of receiving a gift
Bird and Stone- Socially Conscious jewelry that helps African widows start their own businesses
Mira- the fair trade gift folks who come to our church also have an online store!
Tom's - this shoe brand gives away a pair of shoes for every pair you purchase
Real Simple's List of Gifts that Give back
Global Missions Children and Elder Sponsorships
Experience Gifts- Ideas from U.S. News
Chalice Press- Our denomination's publishing house. Search for topics that spark your spirit!