At the Crossroads: Above & Beyond |
WHYThe church is not a building but for over 50 years our building has helped to facilitate ministries, community outreach and faith formation. In 2021 we experienced a significant leak in our flat roof that needs to be repaired. Looking to the future, our driveway needs repaved, air conditioning needs added to the Norman C. Hunt Memorial Library and our Jr. Church Room and we need to update our landscaping. The wish list also includes protection for our stained glass and updated LED lighting in our dining area. These projects will help to us to continue our ministries at the crossroads as well as Above & Beyond into the community and the world for generations to come. This campaign will be the 3rd major campaign in our church’s history at the Crossroads. Some may have contributed to all three, for others it may be the last they are alive to participate in while it may be others first opportunity to help the church in this way. Every gift matters for years to come..